This extension is a quick and easy solution in counting the business of your store. It shows the complete report of your recent, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly sales report on one page. You can filter the report by advance filters. It display the total sales, total sale products, customers , total revenue etc. You can manage their table columns with drag & drop feature. It shows the detailed order information of each order on same page so you don't need to open the each order information page.
- Easy to manage sale reports.
- Default and additional filters that help to get the searchable result from the hundred or thousands of orders.
- Filter By Order ID, Customer, Customer Email, Customer Telephone, Product (Name or Model), Category, Manufacturer, Order Status, Total, Date Added, Date Modified, Payment Method, Shipping Method
Customer Group, Store, Payment Country, Shipping Country, Shipping State, IP Address, Currency, Range, Coupon, Affiliate
- Show total orders as per all order status.
- Show total sum of all orders.
- Export full reports and filtered reports in excel sheet.
- Export Reports in XLS and CSV format.
- Column mapping for report export.
- Display all order information according to each sale summary.
- Display Product details with Product image, name, model, options, price, total.
- Set Order status background color and text color.
- Show/hide and manage columns with drag/drop.
- Cron job setting which send the automatic sale report in excel to admin.
- Admin can set the schedule time for report email.
- Multi-Store Supported.
- No changes in core files.
- Easy to install and Manage.
- Installation Guidance included.
- Provide Free Installation and quick Support.